Kingdom  education!

Earn A Diploma from 
RCMI School of Ministry

We have partnered with Right Now Media and have put together a video based curriculum to earn  Certificates or a Diploma in Church Leadership.  These certificates and diplomas are not accredited but provide a foundation for lay leadership in the church (deacons & elders, teachers, board members, ministry directors, etc.)

If you would like more information about this program and to receive an application and a copy of the course flyer, just complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Training, Coaching & Consulting Resources From RCMI:

Certificates - Diplomas - Degrees

You can also take online Bible classes for a small fee per class and earn a Diploma with Biblical Training! 
Click this link for more info:
which will lead to an accredited degree through
 Okanagan Bible College in Canada  
All is online video based training and available to anyone anywhere in the world
*This curriculum is not part of RCMI School of Ministry*


Church Workshops

We offer workshops and seminars for your entire church staff on the following:
EMPOWERED: Lay Leadership
Spiritual Gifts Inventory
Uniquely You  

(D.I.S.C. profiles with Spiritual Gifts)
Effective Teams
Welcome To Our Church
Mission Preparation
Personal Evangelism
Church Leadership


Gain Biblical insight on aspects of your personal  life
Budget Coaching
Pre-Marital "Symbis" Coaching

DiSC Profiles
Spiritual Gifts Inventory

We provide Church Leadership Consulting to build effective ministry teams in your church with:
Leadership Analysis & Leadership Coaching

Team Analysis & Building Effective Teams
First Impressions Analysis
Making Your Church A More Welcome Place

Information On These Programs

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Great Online Resources!

We found this website  (Bible  History  Online)  that is an unbelievable resource for Bible study.  It has online maps, Bible customs, charts, and a whole lot more. The website is a great resource for Sunday School teachers, pastors, students, and laymen who want to know the background of a passage they are reading or studying.  Click on the "Bible History" button below!
We have also included Bible Gateway for additional Bible Study.  Just click on the "Bible Gateway" button!

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