
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19-20

Missions is at the core of Refuge CMI's Mission and Vision.  Missions was the catalyst that brought about the forming of Refuge CMI in 2003 as an organization to reach the children of the world, the hopeless of the world, and the lost of the world.
Since 2003 we have hosted short-term mission trips to Kenya, Uganda, Haiti, Mexico, Belize and Guatemala.  
The teams did crusades, ministry to orphans and street children, construction projects, teaching in Bible schools and churches, feeding programs, and medical outreaches.
NOTE: Since 2020 our focus has been narrowed to supporting pastors and projects in Belize (Central America). 
We organize  short-term teams to provide pastor/leader training, teaching opportunities, 
preaching opportunities, crusades, outreaches, VBS, construction projects, etc.  
We keep the size of our teams small between 5-10 to better provide a long-lasting experience.

Let's Go on a Mission Trip!

Missions Trips 2025


JUNE 5-17, 2025 - Up to 2 weeks


December 3-16, 2025 - Up to 2 weeks


 7 Days - $800.00 + Airfare
14 Days - $1200.00 + Airfare

Contact RCMI office for youth group & family rates at RefugeCMI@mail.com

ST Mission Trip Application

For those who wish to join a team on a short-term mission trip, please print, complete and send the Pdf forms below:  
NOTE:  First timers, download the Mission Trip Packet  (first Pdf on the list below), complete the forms in back of packet and mail forms to the RCMI office.  
Repeat team members just download and complete:
 Short Application, Release of Liability, and Trip Agreement (the bottom 3 PDFs) each time for each trip.

Pictures of Refuge CMI on the Mission Field 2003-2024

Childrens outreach
Teaching Pastors

Operation Shoebox

Every year we have been collecting items for Christmas shoe boxes for  Operation Shoebox  in Central America.    In the 12 month period August 2022 to July 2023 we packed and delivered 1042 shoeboxes to Living Water Teaching in Caddo Mills, TX to be shipped  to Guatemala for Christmas 2023.   Numerous individuals also donated items or cash donations for the boxes throughout the year.   Would you join us by sending funds to Refuge CMI at www.refugecmi.org/GIVE?  Or you can travel to Guatemala on a shoebox distribution trip every December.

Sign Up for Our Newsletter

We send out emails with printable newsletters attached that you can print out and share every quarter.  We also send out e-newsletters during special events, mission trips, and holidays.  We would love to keep you informed of what is happening on the mission field and how you can plug into the excitement of sharing the Good News!

Our Missionaries

Paul & Marcy  have personally supported these missionaries,
and would like to introduce you to them. 
If you would also like to support them, 
you can visit their websites or send them an email.

Chuck & Robin Martinez

Aviation Missionaries to Guatemala
We have known Chuck & Robin for over 25 years and personally support them.  They are the real deal!

Roger & Carolyn Tomlinson

Missionaries to Mexico
We have know Roger & Carolyn for 20 years, have traveled with them, and have supported them thru the years.

Jameson Titus

President of Christ for India
We have known Jameson for about 10 years and have personally supported CFI  thru the years.  CFI is making a large impact in India!

Bob & Rhonda Farley

Bob & Rhonda lead Belize Bible College.
We have known them since 2019.   RCMI contributed to installation of the tower for the college radio station. It reaches into Guatemala!